July 15, 2021 Scott Wallace Categories: Accident, Workers Compensation Lawyers Tags: Workers’ Compensation

What is Workers’ Compensation?
Workers’ Compensation is a type of insurance that provides defined wage benefits and medical care to employees who are injured on the job. It is a no-fault insurance program that provides benefits to employees who experience work-related trauma, injuries, or illnesses.
These programs are covered and controlled by each individual state. Contact Scott & Wallace to see where and how you are covered by your employer.
There are three different categories that are important to know when dealing with Workers’ Compensation: persons, injuries, and benefits.
Persons: Most every employer in the state of Florida is required to have Workers’ Compensation insurance to provide benefits to their employees. In Florida, employers are required to provide these benefits for their employees, including temporary and contracted employees.
Injuries: In order to be covered by the state’s Workers’ Compensation laws, the incident or injury must occur while the employee is on-the-job.
Benefits: Workers’ compensation is required to cover all necessary medical expenses. The employer is also required to compensate employers for wages lost while they are unable to work due to their illness or injury.
What other benefits do I receive?
Rehabilitation benefits are also required through Workers’ Compensation. Rehabilitation pays for medical and therapeutic care required to help the injured or ill employees recover so they are able to return to work.
Death benefits are required in situations where there is a death-related injury on the job. States require compensation programs to help the family of the deceased who were financially dependent on that person.
What is required of employers in relations to workers‘ compensation?
Employers are required to carry Workers’ Compensation insurance, post notices and advise employees of their legal rights, and they must provide notice to their Workers’ Compensation carrier of the injury or illness after being informed by the employee.
What should you do first?
Act quickly to protect you and your family against medical bills and lost wages. At Scott and Wallace, our solemn vow is to never rest until we have delivered the best possible result that we can. This mission is accomplished through aggressive, but principled, representation — reasoned, but passionate advocacy — and focused, but empathetic counsel.